Don’t let pain build

be your best self

Our services

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Sport Medicine

Sports Medicine physicians have specialized training and skills that position them to be caregivers for active patients of all ages and abilities. They have an interest in the promotion of lifelong wellness and fitness, as well as in prevention, diagnosis and management of illness and injury. At our clinic all physicians have completed a Sport Medicine Fellowship and other medical specialties in a related discipline such as family medicine, emergency medicine, etc.

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Our physiotherapists see patients with a wide-range of physical abilities and lifestyles. We treat injuries but also provide prevention exercises and assessments to ensure active living and healthy habits. Our goal is always to see how the whole body is working and to assess the root cause of any issues you might be having, in order to give you a long-term recovery and return to the activities you love.

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Osteopathy is the treatment of medical disorders through the manipulation and massage of the bones, joints and muscles. The goal is to find normal functionality, mobility and equilibrium with all structures and systems in the body. At our clinic we treat neuro-musculoskeletal, visceral and cranial components

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Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy is an excellent way to relax the muscles and address any immediate pain or muscles spasms you are experiencing. Our certified therapists work to target any areas that are irritated or tense, and use hands-on manipulation of the body's tissue to improve mobility and leave clients feeling relaxed and ready to return to their activities.

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Concussion assessment and treatment

 We treat both acute cases, which generally have a 30-day recovery period, and chronic, more persistent cases where patients experience more long-term symptoms. We do a wide-range of testing, depending on the severity of the concussion; testing of the vestibular ocular dysfunctions, eye-motions and integration into the brain. We examine the concussion from all angles, physiological damage, cervical dysfunction and make sure our patients are educated and empowered to be active participants in their own recovery.

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Vestibular Rehabilitation

Vestibular rehabilitation is a type of physiotherapy that has the objective to alleviate vestibular disorders located in the inner ear. This structure gives input to the visual, central nervous and somatosensory systems. Vestibular disorders can present with a variety symptoms like vertigo, balance problems, dizziness, visual and/or auditory disorders. The physiotherapist will assess your vestibular and occulomotor systems as well as your static and dynamic balance with a series of tests. They will then decide what techniques could be used to help you among the following:

· Canalith repositioning procedure
· Balance exercises
· Habituation exercises for vertigo
· Gaze stabilization exercises
· Education and exercises to do at home

The objective of vestibular rehabilitation is to help patients go back to their active lifestyle.

Do you have a question before getting started? Get in touch.